Monday, December 1, 2008

Oktoberfest...A.k.a. the education of Herr Neuman

Chapter 1
Felix Neuman calls to talk to his friend in Berlin Helmut Mueller, and inform him he is coming from Spain for the Oktoberfest celebration. Herr Helmut is unavailable, so he leaves a message.

Chapater 2

Neuman calls a hotel and gets reservations. He'll be staying from Sept. 24-27th.

Chapter 3

Neuman trravels to Munich. People from all over the world come to Germany to celebrate Oktoberfest. He goes to a beer tent to get a drink and a meal.

Chapter 4

Neuman is woken up by two policeman the next morning. He has a headache, and his money, passport, and watch are stolen. He goes back to the police station.

Chapter 5

Felix recalls the events of the night before.

Chapter 6

Felix calls Helmut to came help him. Helmuet says he is on his way, and tells neuman to take some asprin for his headache, and to go back to his hotel to get some sleep.

Chapter 7

Neuman wakes up to find Helmuet already there. He tells Helmeut what happened to him. They make a plan to go back to Oktoberfest, with Helmuet posing as an American tourist.

Chapter 8

The two men go back to the beer tent where Neuman rmembers being at. They enter seperately and sit 5 tables away from eachother. Helmuet has a few drinks, and then asks the waitress where the restroom is.

From this point, the plot continues...Will there be twists and turns? Will the secret love affair between Helmuet and Neuman be revealed? What part does Helmuets mistress Bruno play? Who finished the last beer? These questions, and many others will be answered in Oktoberfest 2: Neuman's awakening...

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